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Docare Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity organization, a recognized Non-profit Organization (NGO), and incorporated in North Carolina as a registered entity to serve in the area of Poverty alleviation, Zero Hunger, and Ending homelessness in Guilford County.

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We're non-profit charity & NGO organization

Docare Foundation office is in downtown Greensboro, where numerous homeless populations ask the sky when they would return to their comfort home. Despite the reported 700 people described as homeless on any given night in Greensboro/Highpoint according to the NAEH state dashboard.

That number would equate to 12 people being homeless out of every 10,000 of the area's population; no matter what challenges our community members to face, our priority is helping to end homelessness and hunger and alleviate poverty.

About Us

What We DO

We are hunger Ambassadors, Shelter provider Heroes, and empowerment masters working towards ending hunger, homelessness, and poverty in Guilford County. Docare Foundation provides services that help our Guilford County neighbors reconnect with their lives and the community. We serve those in imminent danger, at risk of becoming homeless and experiencing homelessness.

What drives us

Our Vision

Docare Foundation envisions a country where the most vulnerable families will be helped out of hardship and create vital, healthy lives for themselves and their communities through our sustainable Development Goal 1, 2, 3, and 4 projects.

Sustainable Development Goal 2 is about creating a world free of hunger by 2030. In 2020, between 720 million and 811 million persons worldwide were suffering from hunger, roughly 161 million more than in 2019.

Homelessness is a profound assault on dignity, social inclusion, and the right to life. It is a prima facie violation of the right to housing.

Eradicating extreme poverty for everyone by 2030 is a crucial goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Medicaid is a jointly funded, federal-state health coverage program serving low-income families, children, pregnant women, adults without children, seniors, and people with disabilities.

Goes to causes

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Our Mission

Our Fundamental mission is to ensure the stability of all the poor people in the system, give people life meaning by empowering the downtrodden through social intervention programs,technology, and skill acquisition programs, and end hunger and homelessness with practical and radical human development programs.

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Our Volunteers

Join our team to save lives, sacrifice your time to help victims of disaster, and people in need. We need your presence

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